Is there a save point or something to prevent progress from being erased?Every time I log out and log back in all my progress resets and it's frustrating :(
I had the same issue but figured out the solution. Download Winrar and when you go to extract it will say winrar as an option, and you can click that and then click extract with winrar and it will work.
Hi! sorry i have a problem with olivia stone, when i dig it, is use E to pick up but it actually do not pick up and when i go to olivia it's not in my inventory so i can t complite the quest
It's a fun little game I hope the creator comes back and adds growth to the game ( I understand it's tiny then beeg) but regardless it's not bad plus adding mount lady in the game was a good idea :3
I have been looking at all the comments trying to find out where the stones for Olivia, but everyone keeps only telling where two are which I already have and nowhere else. I have looked everywhere in the game and even somehow got under the map to find them but not find anything new, I don't know if I'm ether blind or something. Can someone please make a glide on where they are or make them easier to find?
I'm confused, like it says I completed the quest and there's a cutscene but how do I activate it? not just that but i don't why there's no items in the shop I can buy, they're all not there
When u complete a quest for excample lets take Flannery when u complete her quest and shrink urself go infront of her u see a white square just walk into the square and the cut scene starts if u dont know where another cutscene is just reply to me ill answer
just want to know, is there any way to get to the tiny swimmer on the ship in the pool, the tiny team rocket grunt on nurse joy's counter or the tiny gardevoir on the ship up on the shelves?
Because I love your concept, it is my duty to provide you valuable feedback:
First of all, the game seems very incomplete yet. I was able to complete Flannery and Mt. Lady's requests by doing absolutely nothing, and then I didn't get the promised cutscene rewards.
Secondly, the game isn't clear as to how many of each object (crystals, batteries, etc.) you need to find. I picked up one battery and I was left wondering why Viola wouldn't react to me having it.
Thirdly, we need some swimming/floating controls for the swimming pool. I fall inside while tiny and I'm unable to climb back up.
Fourthly, Nurse Joy's shop has NOTHING to sell! I was expecting to buy the drinks there...
Fifthly, several of the girls (Elesa, Malva, Rika) don't even talk! The female Team Skull Grunt is not even animated yet! She's like a statue! XD
Sixthly, a minor one but most of the girls don't have a collision box on their feet.
Just a suggestion here, but for the ones that are barefoot or wearing flip-flops or sandals (basically all that have their feet exposed in some way), it would be nice to walk up to their feet and press E to tickle them. I would cause the tickled foot to twitch slightly and the girl to play a giggle sound effect (and it could be an alternate trigger for having Bea crush you).
heyo! loving the game so far, but I had a couple of questions: is the girl walking around not doing anything? she talks about not wandering around her feet while shrunk yet nothing happens if you do. another thing, Elesa too isn't doing anything as of now, right? I was wondering why she was tapping her heel yet nothing happened when getting close. also many items such as the donut and the two pair of shoes at the entrance of the facility, are they of any use for now? is it possible to get a different outcome from Mt Lady's quest that is not feet? since you can answer with breasts, but it doesn't look like it changes the event cutscene. and lastly, is it possible to get butt crushed by Flannery? that ass is too juicy to look at, from the table point view, lol.
well, if you answer, thank you in advance sir, and great game you got here!
You need to complete the first quest from Olivia and then you have a second quest from her to buy a special crystal from her and then you will have a new quest for sonia where u simply give her the cristal and then when you walk behind the building on the left side youll see a note on 1 tree simply click it and ure done
there are holes on the map and u have to dig out 4 crystalls i am rly sry i dont remember where there are excactly but one is on the left corner in a bush right next to the pool its hard to grab
you need to find 3 batteries on is in the garage next to the towels (Left) on is on the rotom machine and one is behind the building next to some bushes u see it but need to shrink to get it
With the recent controversy with Unity will you continue developing the game? It shouldn't be hit too hard since I think it might never meet the 200000$ in revenue limit before they start demanding money for individual installs. But just in case, will you stay on Unity or move over to a different engine like Godot or unreal?
I don't know where to find the pills for Olivias first quest where do i find them i can't continue with the rest of the content without the first quest done.
are you going to add more vore content? becouse as i have experienced you can only be "eaten" by nessa,if you could do it with other girls too it would be cool,maybye you could add it as an option for mount lady?
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Is there a save point or something to prevent progress from being erased?Every time I log out and log back in all my progress resets and it's frustrating :(
Is the Crystal Dice quest incomplete?
wasn't there a vr version of this somewhere or am i trippin?
all assets are pink so texture isnt loading in any tips how to fix
the game is good, but it would be good if we could teleport or have a shrink button, it's take long to reach the local where's is some girl
every now and then i check here. hope the creator is doing okay
I wish i can enjoy thr game but mine is super laggy and can't figure out how to fix it
It won't let me play the game because on my laptop I have to "Extract the file" to play games but it does something weird
I had the same issue but figured out the solution. Download Winrar and when you go to extract it will say winrar as an option, and you can click that and then click extract with winrar and it will work.
Hi! sorry i have a problem with olivia stone, when i dig it, is use E to pick up but it actually do not pick up and when i go to olivia it's not in my inventory so i can t complite the quest
It's a fun little game I hope the creator comes back and adds growth to the game ( I understand it's tiny then beeg) but regardless it's not bad plus adding mount lady in the game was a good idea :3
i hope too i rly love the game
Hope the creator is doing well
I am trying to play this game but when i try to extract the files to play i get a random unknown error please help me
Sad to see such a wonderful game getting abandoned :(
I have been looking at all the comments trying to find out where the stones for Olivia, but everyone keeps only telling where two are which I already have and nowhere else. I have looked everywhere in the game and even somehow got under the map to find them but not find anything new, I don't know if I'm ether blind or something. Can someone please make a glide on where they are or make them easier to find?
I can't figure out where the trigger point for Nessa is
on the table next to flannery just jump on the towel or climb up the thing next to the water bottle
Holy hell wasn't expecting an update but thanks!!!
Can u make this for android?
Is there a way to make the game load better? Mine is super laggy
I'm confused, like it says I completed the quest and there's a cutscene but how do I activate it? not just that but i don't why there's no items in the shop I can buy, they're all not there
When u complete a quest for excample lets take Flannery when u complete her quest and shrink urself go infront of her u see a white square just walk into the square and the cut scene starts if u dont know where another cutscene is just reply to me ill answer
Ah thank you I guess I didn't see it at first
I can't get teh olivia cutseen how do i get it
I'm super happy that you're still alive! Love your games :D
just want to know, is there any way to get to the tiny swimmer on the ship in the pool, the tiny team rocket grunt on nurse joy's counter or the tiny gardevoir on the ship up on the shelves?
you cant interact with them he just added them to show that they are coming in the game in the next updates
Pardon but how do I Play this. I downloaded the game but I doesn’t want to Play. Do I need to Download something else to Play
i hope there is a danganronpa giantess game like this too
Because I love your concept, it is my duty to provide you valuable feedback:
First of all, the game seems very incomplete yet. I was able to complete Flannery and Mt. Lady's requests by doing absolutely nothing, and then I didn't get the promised cutscene rewards.
Secondly, the game isn't clear as to how many of each object (crystals, batteries, etc.) you need to find. I picked up one battery and I was left wondering why Viola wouldn't react to me having it.
Thirdly, we need some swimming/floating controls for the swimming pool. I fall inside while tiny and I'm unable to climb back up.
Fourthly, Nurse Joy's shop has NOTHING to sell! I was expecting to buy the drinks there...
Fifthly, several of the girls (Elesa, Malva, Rika) don't even talk! The female Team Skull Grunt is not even animated yet! She's like a statue! XD
Sixthly, a minor one but most of the girls don't have a collision box on their feet.
Just a suggestion here, but for the ones that are barefoot or wearing flip-flops or sandals (basically all that have their feet exposed in some way), it would be nice to walk up to their feet and press E to tickle them. I would cause the tickled foot to twitch slightly and the girl to play a giggle sound effect (and it could be an alternate trigger for having Bea crush you).
Keep working on this! You're doing great.
Does anyone know where the crystals are?
I thought I found them but I only found the holes and 2 of 4 crystals
heyo! loving the game so far, but I had a couple of questions: is the girl walking around not doing anything? she talks about not wandering around her feet while shrunk yet nothing happens if you do. another thing, Elesa too isn't doing anything as of now, right? I was wondering why she was tapping her heel yet nothing happened when getting close. also many items such as the donut and the two pair of shoes at the entrance of the facility, are they of any use for now? is it possible to get a different outcome from Mt Lady's quest that is not feet? since you can answer with breasts, but it doesn't look like it changes the event cutscene. and lastly, is it possible to get butt crushed by Flannery? that ass is too juicy to look at, from the table point view, lol.
well, if you answer, thank you in advance sir, and great game you got here!
With the new unity rules i worry about this game and its creator
Sry for asking what are the new rules?
Shame therer is no saving progress
How do you get that scene in the first image with Sonia?
You need to complete the first quest from Olivia and then you have a second quest from her to buy a special crystal from her and then you will have a new quest for sonia where u simply give her the cristal and then when you walk behind the building on the left side youll see a note on 1 tree simply click it and ure done
i appologize for my english its not great
Ty :)
How do you complete Olivia's Quest
there are holes on the map and u have to dig out 4 crystalls i am rly sry i dont remember where there are excactly but one is on the left corner in a bush right next to the pool its hard to grab
I found them but how do I dig them up?
You need to open the garage door there is a shovel inside which u can only pick up if u accepted the quest before
How to complete the "Viola's quest"?
you need to find 3 batteries on is in the garage next to the towels (Left) on is on the rotom machine and one is behind the building next to some bushes u see it but need to shrink to get it
With the recent controversy with Unity will you continue developing the game? It shouldn't be hit too hard since I think it might never meet the 200000$ in revenue limit before they start demanding money for individual installs. But just in case, will you stay on Unity or move over to a different engine like Godot or unreal?
i would love to see Carmine in the game but i dont want to disturb your plans on the game its great
I don't know where to find the pills for Olivias first quest where do i find them i can't continue with the rest of the content without the first quest done.
on the right from the entrance there is a small hole with bars the "pills" are in there
Those are the cigarettes though not the pills i need, i can't turn in the quest after i picked em up.
yea i need help too
could you make an option to make the new cutscenes in first person?
are you going to add more vore content? becouse as i have experienced you can only be "eaten" by nessa,if you could do it with other girls too it would be cool,maybye you could add it as an option for mount lady?