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I'm really happy that you're back to developing the game and even happier for the recent update.
The game is very good I had fun playing thank you.

(1 edit) (+1)

Micromancy, are you going to open patreon ?


are there more than two batteries because i go up to the camera girl and it wont let me complete the mission.


there are 3 battereis 1 is on the rotom machine one is inside the garage next to the towels and one is behind the building behind a bush next  to the wall if you walk past it u see it but u have to shrink to get to it

Do you also know where the crystals are?


Im curious what the pokeballs do? Also very great game just finished all

(1 edit) (+2)

The pokeballs arent functional just yet but they will be used for a quest for Nurse Joy

Thanks for playing :)


Excellent update! It was really fun to see the interactions with the characters >w<. Will it be possible in the future to interact with the little girl who is on the boat in the pool?


Thank you, in the future she will have some things to do yes.

Thanks for playing :)

I haven't installed the update yet but I'm sure it's great


First of all i absolutely love the game and i dont want to disturb u  but i waanted to let u know aboust some bugs/glitches when you do the viola scene her eyes like glitch away and theres inly a white square and second the team skull grunt is just making a t pose showen on the picture below: ps i am sry if i annoyed u after you just completed a great game) 


It's no worries I am of both of these and Violas eyes for her cutscene will be fixed when I make 2.1 amongst other things minor changes and I left the team skull grunt in as a bit of sneak peak to let people know I'm still adding more later on.

But yeah no worries thanks for playing and I hope you are enjoying the game :)


This update is awesome. The new map looks great, and the amount of new content has been fun to go through. Excited to see where you go with this!


thank you so much, thanks for playing :D

can you do anything with the pokeballs


As of now no, but they will have a function for Nurse Joy in a later update.  :)


First of all, this update is amazing! however i can't seem to pick up the shovel, and is the item required for Olivia's quest in the game yet or am I just blind?


Thank you so much, im sorry to hear that, just be sure you have accepted the quest otherwise the shovel cant be picked up, or maybe try picking it up when shrunken as it can be picked up either size. hope this helps :)

Is quest "In Cumming" active? 

It is not sorry that's one of the unfinished quests that will be implemented at a later date.


Where can I find all the batteries? I found one in the garage but couldn't finish the quest, how can I find other batteries....


i know one is on the rotom machine idk the name sry the other ones idk i have the same problem with olivias quest i found 2 of the crystalls but i dont know what to do

All 4 of olivias crystals are found in the ground sometimes when you press 'E' to dig em up you will also sometimes pick up the crystals at the same time, this will be fixed later on and one is at one of the corners by the pool in a plat pot that can be a little hard to grab spam crouch and 'E' and you should be able to grab it (this will also be changed & a counter will be added to track how many)

thx i finally found the 4th crystal by the bush next to the pool i think my brain didnt realised it before 

its not very functional 


can you tell me where the crystal are ? 


Beside the towels in the garage, on the rotom Pc and around the back behind a bush box (Shrinking required to grab but can be seen when big)



You're welcome :D




Thank you update!

I like your game!!


I hope the work is still ongoing, I pray that the update will come out


How it's going?


how's development going?


8/8 Happy vore day! 




well if you didn't like the game, why the fuck would you click on it then? you knew what you were in for and you refused to play. I'll forgive you, but next time you downvote this game, I will cut you up and serve you as fast food. don't fucking play with me. (I mean no disrespect, but hating this game ain't gonna happen.)





... phone from microhero


The game will become at least a little longer in update?


Yes the game will be an amount longer, it depends on the player though to find everything

So there are secret scenes? (or something like that)


Will there be more people walking around or only just Nessa?

(1 edit) (+1)

hush ... the author does not like spoilers
or just me


there is so far 1 extra person walking around how many more though i dont know just yet


Is this the same sitting girl from the first version?


No its someone different

(1 edit) (+1)

Are there going to be multiple sizes to shrink to? I think it would be cool to have different scenarios based off of how small you are. Thanks for reading and continuing to update the game.


There wont be different sizes with gameplay unfortunately but there will be different sizes for scenes as ill be adding third person cutscenes for a better view of what is happening with character interactions


I wonder if males are going to be added :/ Guess i will have to wait and see.

I havent had any plans to but i might change my mind on that :)

you risk losing players change your mind😥


wow you back?? where have you been :)

Yes i am back, i have been around just havent had the motivation to continue updating the game up until now. Hope you like it when the update is out :)


Micromancy tell me honestly did you want to make an update yourself or all the comments that they wrote to you somehow worked
But anyway I'm glad you're back, you need some cake


Honestly its a bit of both i wanted to come back and do an update because i liked making the game and i also really appreciated all the kind words people would write about the game especially after i disappeared, people would still come back and ask around about it wondering if i was okay or the game would maybe make a come back.

So yea im happy to be back and i hope people will like what I make once it's ready to release :)


Whoa! I kept checking these pages in the hopes that there would be an update, and then I find there is one announced! I'm liking it, and the new look of the page!

I'm looking forward to the update! I liked what you made with both of your games, but I returned to this one a lot more. If you should happen to need any help with testing, I'd be happy to do so, too.


Thank you I'm glad you are so invested with this project unfortunately i dont think ill do an early play test as of yet as I don't quite know when it'll be ready just yet but if I decide to ill let everyone know


Super hyped for the upcoming update! 

Though excuse me if I add a bit of early critisism/suggestion. Some of the scenes in the old version ended a little bit too quickly. Will the length of the scenes be longer in the update?


Thank you, I'm going to try and make some of the new ones a little longer and maybe ill look into doing some interactive ones that require input.


Dayum the page got updated. looks sexy as hell


Thanks, a new update means a new coat of paint was in order :)


I created an account to support MicroMancy

MicroMancy you make really cool games

You try hard on them, but it looks like you abandoned this case.

I want to hope that you will come back because the games need updates please

I wish you a type of happiness in life and health, Do not disappear (come back)

we miss


i agree i love all of mancy's content.


MicroMancy is back hooray!!!!!!

happiest moment in life

I treat everyone with a cake in honor of this


so sad you stopped making games

Is there a reason you stopped?

WeLoveGiantess på Twitter: "new video :) kinda sad he hasn't worked further on the game :(" / Twitter


They lost motivation they made a post about it.

Deleted 1 year ago

I would love one last update. It could even be an anniversary update if it get it in april.  I wonder if this game became open source. Could we pump out community updates like TF2?

correction no update for a year now oof

When is it coming for Android

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